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Genomic Discovery

Genomic data drive insights

We ensure our scientists have the best data, methods, and platform to support genomic drug discovery.

Someone coding on a monitor at the Variant Bio Seattle office


Our bioinformatics team analyzes DNA and RNA sequencing data to identify genetic variation and gene expression in the studies we conduct all over the world.  We employ state-of-the-art computational tools and develop methods to analyze and efficiently store large-scale biological data.

A woman with brown hair in a red top holds a device looking in the eye of a blonde woman in a white top

Computational genetics & health data

Researchers in drug discovery have observed that drug targets with genetic evidence are more likely to be successful in clinical trials. Our team works to design and analyze genetic studies that support our mission of finding life-saving medicines. We work with our partners to build a phenotyping plan that reflects study aims and community input. We then translate genetic data into insights using statistical and computational approaches to provide biological insights which support novel drug target discovery and help guide target validation and early discovery efforts.

A working server with a glass pane and green lights

Research infrastructure

Modern genomic analysis demands robust and flexible computational resources that are scalable, efficient, and above all, secure. The Research Infrastructure team provides the tech environment that drives our research, from the laptops we use every day to the petabytes of data we process in the cloud.